Res.1/Male/Husb} Reber, Ernest |
Family History} Olson |
Res.2/Fem./Wife} Staheli, Rosina Sophia |
HH Type} Historic household
Address/Location: | |
Name(s)} | Ernest & Rosina S. Reber |
Optional} | Washington County |
Str./Apt.} | |
City/etc.} | Santa Clara, Utah |
Household Dates: |
Source} Exa 15 Jun 1900 |
Move-In} Bef 15 Jun 1900 |
Move-Out} Aft 5 Apr 1930 |
Last Updated
by} Karen Hancock |
Date Updated} 19 Jun 2011
Date Created} 16 Jun 2011 |
Notes: Ernest Reber and Rosina Sophia Staheli were married on 23 Dec 1896 in Santa Clara,
Washington, Utah. They made their life-long home in Santa Clara.
In 1900, they were living with their 2 year old daughter Erma in Santa Clara,
and Ernest was listed as a minister.
By 1910, the family had grown. Glen was born in 1903, Spencer in 1904, and
Robert Mervin in 1907. Ernest was farming on his own account.
Ellis was born in 1910, shortly after the census was taken. In 1920, the family
included his father Fredrick Reber, and a lodger Mary Stucki, age 64 years.
In 1930, Ernest and Rosina had a housefull. Their daughter Erma was no longer at
home, but all four of their sons were living in the home. Their oldest son
Glen was married to Elsie, and they had three young children. Spencer was married
to Britta, and they had a young baby.
Ernest died on 19 Aug 1950, and Rosina died 10 Mar 1958. Both are buried in the
Santa Clara City Cemetery, Utah. |
Total # of Residents} 7 |
Other Residents: |
Household | His Last HH} 60 | His Next HH} 230 |
Links => | Her Last HH} 28 | Her Next HH} 230 |
3rd Res.} | Reber, Erma | ___ |
4th Res.} | Reber, Glen C. | ___ |
5th Res.} | Reber, Spencer | ___ |
6th Res.} | Reber, Mervin Robert | ___ |
7th Res.} | Reber, Ellis C. | ___ |
Copyright © 2011 by Karen L. Hancock. All Rights Reserved. |