Res.1/Male/Husb} Shaw, William James |
Family History} Olson |
Res.2/Fem./Wife} McLaughlin, Maggie |
HH Type} Historic household
Address/Location: | |
Name(s)} | William James & Maggie Shaw |
Optional} | Dist. 209, Humbolt |
Str./Apt.} | Sub-Dist. 61 |
City/etc.} | Imperial Village, Saskatchewan |
Household Dates: |
Source} Exa 1911 |
Move-In} Aft 1901 |
Move-Out} Aft 1911 |
Last Updated
by} Karen Hancock |
Date Updated} 22 Aug 2009
Date Created} 17 Jul 2009 |
Notes: In 1911, the William James Shaw family was living in the tiny village of Imperial in
the Humbolt area of Saskatchewan. James was a farmer. The family
consisted of he, his wife Maggie, and six children, ages 20 to 12. Lucy H., age 17,
was to marry Robert Hamilton Detwiller, later in that
same year. Robert and two
of his brothers were living nearby. If looking for these two families in, they are both wrongly indexed. Shaw is spelled "Shaut", and
William James is listed "Mrs. Jas Shaut". The three Detwiller brothers are indexed
as "Carrie Detweiler", a male, "Annie Detweiler", a male, and Robert Detweiler.
This should have been Gavin, Innis, and Robert. |
Total # of Residents} 8 |
Other Residents: |
Household | His Last HH} 386 | His Next HH} ___ |
Links => | Her Last HH} 386 | Her Next HH} ___ |
3rd Res.} | Shaw, John Jas. | ___ |
4th Res.} | Shaw, Edge Thos. | ___ |
5th Res.} | Shaw, Lucy Henrietta | 379 |
6th Res.} | Shaw, Maggie | ___ |
7th Res.} | Shaw, Wm. Geo. | ___ |
8th Res.} | Shaw, Lannie A. | ___ |
Copyright © 2009 by Karen L. Hancock. All Rights Reserved. |