Compare how PAF's Version 3.0 and A&D's Version 1.62 satisfy basic genealogical needs . . .
Will this product let you: | PAF 3.0 |
A&D 1.62 |
Easily enter birth, death, and burial data on individuals? | Yes | Yes |
Enter one or more aliases (i.e., multiple names) for an individual? | No | Yes |
Enter and identify Julian/Old-Style, Jewish/Hebrew, or French Republican dates? | No | Yes |
Enter in three keystrokes or less, and statistically report on, any
of the following: - the complete names of countries, states, and provinces? - occupations, races, religions and churches, and military services? - causes of death and other medical conditions? |
No No No |
Yes Yes Yes |
Enter and identify non-marriage relationships (e.g., engagements, common-law, and other life-style relationships)? | No | Yes |
Enter and identify foster children? | No | Yes |
Enter unknown, unnamed, and stillborn childrenwithout having to create individual records? | No | Yes |
Enter the ending date of a marriage and record that it ended due to an annulment, death, disappearance, estrangement, or separation? | No | Yes |
Optionally enter: - LDS (Mormon) temple ordinance events? - Catholic, Jewish, or Protestant events and related data? |
Yes No |
Yes Yes |
Enter a household (including its address, residents, telephones, and sources) for a historical or current residence or businessand easily link it to all individuals and relationships to which it applies? | No | Yes |
Quickly and easily browse, record-by-record, through all individuals, relationships, and sources in a database? | No | Yes |
See at a glance, while browsing, exactly how many sources are linked to each individual and relationship record and the type of each of those sources? | No | Yes |
Presents you with consistent and uncluttered screens? | No | Yes |
Print complete detailed listings of each source record in a database? | No | Yes |
Print statistical summaries of the types of sources and evidence in a database? | No | Yes |
Print source usage and management reports that identify all: - individuals and marriages linked to each source? - source types present and absent for each individual and relationship? |
No No |
Yes Yes |
See who created or last updated a major record? | No | Yes |
Limit update and deletion capability to certain users? | No | Yes |
Import or export GEDCOM data? | Yes | Yes |
Prepare Ancestral File and LDS Temple submissions? | Yes | No* |
* A planned future capability of A&D.
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