Res.1/Male/Husb} Williams, Simeon Clyde (Si) |
Family History} Hancock |
Res.2/Fem./Wife} McFarren, Bess Crystal (Bessie) |
HH Type} Historic household
Address/Location: | |
Name(s)} | Mr. & Mrs. Simeon C. Williams |
Str./Apt.} | 1615 F Street |
City/etc.} | Napa, California |
Household Dates: |
Source} Cir 1982/1984 |
Move-In} Cir 1939 |
Move-Out} Cir 7 May 1948 |
Last Updated
by} Karen Hancock |
Date Updated} 11 Jul 2024
Date Created} 17 Mar 2001 |
Notes: Simeon built this one-story house in 1939. In the 1940 U.S. census, Simeon, 42, and Bess 40,
were living here with their daughter Lorraine, 17. The house was valued at $4,000.
Simeon was a bookkeeper, Bess was the owner of the resturant, and Lorraine was a waittress.
The house had a long driveway on the east side and an unattached garage in back.
The photograph at the right shows the house in 1939 before the concrete
was poured for the driveway, before a fireplace was added, and before
redwood trees were planted.

The photo at the left shows the large patio behind the house and the adjacent
goldfish pond that were both covered by white wood latticework.

The photo at the right shows the garage that was in back just beyond the patio.
It also shows Simeon's black Packard sedan. The people in the photo are
Bob and Lorraine Whitthorne with Viola and Bud Hancock in 1941.
The photo at the left shows the lawn that was further in back beyond the patio.
A large walnut tree was at the back beyond the lawn. Bess had a
vegetable garden behind the garage where she grew corn and other vegetables.

The photo at the right shows Elmer Kiser's going away party at the front of
the 1615 F Street house in 1944.
The area was ideal for birthday parties. The two photos below
show a birthday party in the patio circa 1947.

Bess loved canary birds, but soon had too many baby canaries to fit
in small cages in the house. So Simeon built a large canary house
in the side yard on the west. It sat on a large 3'-tall
post to discourage cats from attacking the canaries.

The photo at the right shows the 1615 F Street house in its July 2006 condition.
It looks almost the same as it did in 1939, but with the fireplace added
and the two redwood trees now fully grown. |
Total # of Residents} 3 |
Other Residents: |
Household | His Last HH} 150 | His Next HH} 16 |
Links => | Her Last HH} 150 | Her Next HH} 16 |
Copyright © 2006 by Daniel W. Hancock and 2022 - 2024 by Karen L. Hancock.
All Rights Reserved. |