Res.1/Male/Husb} Williams, Theodore John (John T.) |
Family History} Hancock |
Res.2/Fem./Wife} Bird, Myrtle A. |
HH Type} Historic household
Address/Location: | |
Name(s)} | Theodore and Myrtle Williams |
Optional} | "Five Mile House" |
Str./Apt.} | Old Sonoma Road, Carneros |
City/etc.} | Napa County, California |
Household Dates: |
Source} Exa 1982/1984 |
Move-In} Spr 1905 |
Move-Out} Cir 1909/1910 |
Last Updated
by} Karen Hancock |
Date Updated} 19 Jan 2023
Date Created} 16 Aug 1999 |
Notes: In the Spring of 1905 the Williams family moved to a two-story, ten-room
house on the Sonoma Road. It was rented from the Hansons for $5.00
per month. It was near the Cutting Ranch, a 400-acre fruit ranch
where Theodore worked for several years until he started boring water
wells. The "Five Mile House" was at the fork of the Old Sonoma Road
and what was later to be the paved highway between Napa and Sonoma.
It was five miles west of Napa.
The Williams family lived in the "Five Mile House" twice.
After living there for awhile, they moved to a house on the south side
of the Cutting Ranch so that Theodore could be closer to his work.
When the Cutting house and property were sold, the Williams moved back
to the "Five Mile House".
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake occurred while the family was living
here. David Williams was born here on 16 Jan 1907.
In the 1910 US census, Theodore, 49, and Myrtle, 46, are enumerated here with
their two sons, Sineon, 12, and David, 3. Theodore was a farm laborer.
Simeon said that "opposite our house and across the road was the Burdick's
Road House and bar, which supposedly dispensed soft drinks and sandwiches
to comply with a local-option law which prohibited the sale of liquor
within so many hundred yards of a school. Actually, the Burdick's
blind pig sold bottles and flasks of hard liquor to customers
who were known to them." |
Total # of Residents} 4 |
Other Residents: |
Household | His Last HH} 140 | His Next HH} 142 |
Links => | Her Last HH} 140 | Her Next HH} 142 |
Copyright © 2004 - 2005 by Daniel W. Hancock and 2023 by Karen L. Hancock.
All Rights Reserved. |