Res.1/Male/Husb} Cope, William I. |
Family History} Hancock |
Res.2/Fem./Wife} ? , Hattie C. |
HH Type} Historic household
Address/Location: | |
Name(s)} | Mr. & Mrs. William I. Cope and family |
Str./Apt.} | Lowry Road |
City/etc.} | Red Bluff, California |
Household Dates: |
Source} Exa 20 Apr 1910 |
Move-In} Bef 20 Apr 1910 |
Move-Out} Aft 20 Apr 1910 |
Last Updated
by} Dan Hancock |
Date Updated} 13 Oct 2006
Date Created} 13 Oct 2006 |
Notes: In 1900, the Cope family lived in Corning, California, and undoubtedly
became acquainted with Thomas Hancock, Myrtle's paternal grandfather,
who also lived in Corning. Myrtle was adopted probably in 1902,
shortly after her father Frank arrived in Corning from Canada, and when
she was just over one year old. The Cope family moved from Corning
to Red Bluff thereafter.
Myrtle grew up and played the Cope's three children: Philip (b. 1879),
Leona (b. 1890), and Helen (b. 1892). Myrtle learned that she was
adopted and learned the identity of her real parents when she was 13 years
old. She left the Copes and moved to Napa to live with her brother
Wilfred in about 1915. |
Total # of Residents} ? |
Other Residents: |
Household | His Last HH} ___ | His Next HH} ___ |
Links => | Her Last HH} ___ | Her Next HH} ___ |
Copyright © 2006 by Daniel W. Hancock. All Rights Reserved. |