Male/Husband} Samuels, Henry Edward |
Family History} Hancock |
Female/Wife} Adams, Letha Evadna |
Relationship Type} Marriage |
Marriage: Date} Exa 20 Jul 1920 |
Place} Napa, Napa, Calif. (License)
(Certif.) | |
Ended: On Date} Exa 6 Dec 1983
By} Death of husband |
1st Household No.} |
Photo} see below |
Last Updated
by} Dan Hancock |
Date Updated} 27 Mar 2011
Date Created} 17 Jun 1994 |
Notes: Henry was age 24 and Letha was 18 when they married in 1920.
They were married in Napa, honeymooned in San Francisco by way of the ferry,
and then returned to Monticello where they raised their two daughters
on their ranch. The photo below shows the girls circa 1924.
Their Monticello ranch was described as plain land, flat and hot, a narrow valley between high
hills. But it was all bottom land, and all summer long the creek flowed full enough to
irrrigate the fields and orchards.
In 1942 their Monticello residence had no telephone. The photo at the right shows
Letha and Henry at their ranch circa 1945.
The planning for and building of the Monticello dam upset their life during the post-war years.
Letha said We bought the land, built on it, paid for it — and they could take it away!
Letha was shocked by the razing of Monticello's houses to make way for the new Lake Berryessa.
In 1955, after running the ranch for 35 years, Henry and Letha had to leave because of the raising
waters of the new lake. They moved to St. Helena and retired at that time.
One of their daughters said we never found land up to what we had in the Valley.
Letha's 63 year marriage ended in 1983 when Henry passed on at age 88 at their residence in St. Helena.
Additional notes: Apparently daughter Florence did not like her name; she was always known
as Tot. During their later years, daughters Tot and Barbara were not on speaking terms and never talked about the other.
Children: |
Total # of Children} 2 |
Seq. # of Primary} |
Copyright © 2011 by Daniel W. Hancock. All Rights Reserved. |