Male/Husband} Johnson, Leonard Haws |
Family History} Olson |
Female/Wife} Felix, Eileen |
Relationship Type} Marriage |
Marriage: Date} Exa 20 Apr 1945 |
Place} LDS Temple, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah |
Ended: On Date} Exa 13 May 2010
By} Death of husband |
1st Household No.} 807 = Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah |
Photographs} None |
Last Updated
by} Karen Hancock |
Date Updated} 22 Jan 2017
Date Created} 31 Aug 2016 |
Notes: Leonard Hayes Johnson and Eileen Felix were married 20 Apr 1945 in the
Salt Lake LDS Temple, Salt Lake, Utah. They had met when both were LDS missionaries
serving in the Spanish-American Mission. At the time of their marriage Leonard was
a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Corps.
Leonard was a graduate from BYU with a degree in economics. During their marriage, he
began his career with the Utah Farm Bureau, was promoted to the American Farm Bureau, and
eventually was the supervisor for 32 years for all states west of the Mississippi.
Eileen continued her education at BYU, receiving her degree in 1948.
Eileen continued her education at BYU, receiving her degree in 1948. In 1959, she returned
to school at the University of Utah. Here she received a certification to teach English
and Spanish, a certification in Special Education, a Masters Degree, and was certified as a
School Psychologist. Through the years she taught in the Salt Lake City School District,
the Granite School District, and the Division of Continuing Education at the University of
Utah. She was a School Psychologist for the Granite School District.
Leonard and Eileen were both active in the LDS church. They raised a family of four
children. While newspapers and city directories list them as being in Chicago, Illinos,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Denver, Colorado, their primary residence was at 2085 Atkin Avenue,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Leonard died 13 May 2010 in Provo, Utah, Utah. Eileen died 11 Jan 2011 at Timpanogos
Hospital, Orem, Utah, Utah. They are buried in the Wasatch Law Memorial Gardens, Salt
Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.
Children: |
Total # of Children} 4 |
Seq. # of Primary} |
1st Child} | Johnson, Elenar |
2nd Child} | Johnson, Kent Felix |
3rd Child} | Johnson, Mary Ann |
4th Child} | Johnson, Leonard Dee |
Copyright © 2017 by Karen L. Hancock. All Rights Reserved. |