Six documents and letters from the Olson/Miller memorabilia.
The United States of America Veterans' Administration Washington D.C.
National Life Insurance October 14, 1942, Certificate
No. N-6 154 456, John Leslie Miller, $10,000.
- Last Will and Testament of John L. Miller, 15 December, 1943, Mather Field,
Sacramento, California.
- "Notice of Settlement, National Service Life Insurance", October 24, 1945, to
Mrs. Evelyn Mae Miller; monthly payments of $25.90
beginning March 12, 1948, to continue for life . . ..
- "Notice of Settlement, National Service Life Insurance", October 24, 1945, to
Mr. Peter J. Miller; monthly payments of $24.90
beginning March 12, 1948, to continue for life . . ..
- Letter from War Department, The Adjutant General's Office, Washington 25, D.C. to
Mr. Peter J. Miller, 24 October 1945; notification of posthumous award of Air
Medal and Purple Heart to Flight Officer John L. Miller,
Air Corps.
- Letter (carbon) from Peter J. Miller to Accounting Division,
Finance Service, Veterans Administration, June 18, 1964; change of address from 223 E.
Valley Blvd., Alhambra to 17681 Cajon St., Hesperia, Calif..