Individual Record 7

Name}   Baldwin, Evelyn Mae Family History} Olson                  
  Title}   Race} White Sex} Female
Birth:   Date} Exa  8 Dec 1896 Place} Cedar Grove, Essex, New Jersey
Marr.: Date} Exa 30 Nov 1918 Place} Rahway, Union, New Jersey(Link)
Death: Date} Exa 27 Feb 1983  C Place} Alhambra, Los Angeles, California
Burial: Date} Exa  2 Mar 1983 Place} Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles, California
  Grave Marker} Yes
Source 1}  12 = Family notes  *
Source 2}  50 = Family hstry
Source 3} 1331=Genealogy  *
Source 4} 250 = Birth certif
Source 5}  25 = 1900 USA cen
Source 6} 747 = 1910 USA cen
Source 7} 2149=1915 NJ census
Source 8} 588 = Certificate
Source 9} 598 = Diary
Source 10} 251 = Marriage cert
Source 11}590 = Marriage cert
Parents: } Leslie George Baldwin & Frances Lydia Pettit
   Relationship No.} 7
1st Household No.} 121 = Cedar Grove, Verona Twp., Essex, New Jersey
      Occupation 1} Housewife
       Occupation 2}  
  Religion/Church} Presbyterian
Spouses:   Prime} Miller, Peter John (Pete)
 Total Number of} 1
Source 12}  2150=Marriage rec
Source 13}  2151=Newspaper
Source 14}  2152=Church rec
Source 15}  469 = 1920 USA cen
Source 16}  629 = Church rec
Source 17}  2148=Newspaper
Source 18}  749 = 1930 USA cen
Source 19}  628 = Church rec
Source 20}  2053=City directory
Source 21}  1249=Photograph
Source 22}  1258=Letter
Source 23}  325 = Business dir
Source 24}  1334=1940 USA cen
Source 25}  556 = Newspaper
Source 26}  1265=Photograph
Source 27}  470 = Interview
Source 28}  1256=Letter
Source 29}  1251=Insurance
Source 30}  2114=1950 USA cen
Source 31}  326 = Phone book
Source 32}  327 = Phone book
Source 33}  328 = Phone book
Source 34}  569 = Newspaper
Source 35}  570 = Newspaper
Source 36}  988 = City directory
Source 36}  668 = Cookbook
Source 37}  161 = Photograph
Source 38}  622 = Postcards
Source 39}  630 = Photograph  *
Source 40}  642 = Photograph
Source 41}  649 = Photograph
Source 42}  673 = Photograph
Source 43}  1253=Photograph
Source 44}   39 = Address list
Source 45}   57 = Family notes
Source 46}  589 = Heirloom/Mem
Source 47}  1266=Heirloom/Mem
Source 48}  600 = Heirloom/Mem
Source 49}  610 = Newspaper
Source 50}  533 = Death record
Source 10}  541 = S.S. record
Source 52}     14 = Death certif
Source 53}  179 = Cemetery rec
Source 54}  1094=Cemetery rec
Source 55}  1983=Cemetery rec
Notes:  Evelyn Mae Baldwin was born at home on 8 Dec 1896, to Leslie George Baldwin and Frances Lydia Pettit.  The family was living on the Pompton Turnpike, Cedar Grove, Verona Twp., Essex, New Jersey.  Her birth certificate was not issued until 4 Dec 1942.  She had a brother, Wilfred Leslie, who was less than one year older.

Evelyn M. Baldwin, Wildred L. Baldwin Evelyn M. Baldwin, Wildred L. Baldwin In the 1900 U.S. census, Evelyn, 3, was living with her parents Leslie Baldwin, 24, and Francis, 24, at 1164 Wright Street, Newark, Essex, New Jersey.  Her father was a clerk for a broker and they were renting.  Her brother Wilfred was brought up by their fraternal grandparents, Daniel  and  Evalena Baldwin in nearby Verona and Caldwell.  Evelyn and Wilfred are pictured at right about 1901 and 1918.

In the 1910 U.S. census, Evelyn, 13, was living with her parents, Leslie G. Baldwin, 34, and Frances, 34, at 13 Baracha Ave., Rahway, Ward 3, Union, New Jersey.  Her father was a real estate agent working on his own account.  Their home was rented.

In the 1915 New Jersey state census, Evelyn, 19, was living with her parents Leslie Baldwin, 40, and Francis, 40, at 228A Rector, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, USA.  She was a grocery store cashier.  Her father was a manager.  Also in the household was her brother, Wilfred, 20, a chemist assistant, and her paternal grandmother, Evelyn Baldwin, 74.

Evelyn received a Certification of Completion from The International Sunday School Association, North American Department of Education, School of Principals and Methods, Session of 1916.

Peter J. Miller, Evelyn M. Baldwin On 30 Nov 1918, Evelyn Mae Baldwin married Peter John Miller, better known as Pete, in an evening ceremony performed at 18 Bryant Street, Rahway, Union, New Jersey.  They are pictured at left about 3 months before their marriage.

Evelyn and Pete's first son, John Leslie (Jack) was born 27 Aug 1919.  In the 1920 U.S. census, Evelyn, 23, and Peter J. Miller, 20, with their son John, 4 months, were living at 228 Sherman Road, Perth Amboy, Ward 4, Middlesex, New Jersey.  Pete was a bookkeeper for a bank.  Also living with them were Chris Miller, 55, his wife Anna, 53, and son August, 16, all born in Denmark.  Chris was a carpenter and August was a clerk.

Their second son Robert Alfred (Bob) was born in 1921, followed by a daughter, Frances Dorthea (Fran), 1923, and two more sons, Alfred Lincoln (Al), 1926, and Wilfred Baldwin (Will), 1929, all born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey.

In 1922, Evelyn and her husband were members of the First Presbyterian Church in Perth Amboy.  The family was living in South Plainfield at the time, and became members of the South Plainfield Baptist Church for some period of time.

The family spent a year in Georgia.  The 1930 U.S.census lists Evelyn Miller, 33, living at 265 N. Farrington, Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia.  The children were Jack, 10, Robert, 8, Frances, 6, Alfred, 4, and Wilfred, 10 months.  Peter J. Miller, 31, is listed as an inmate in the U.S. Federal Penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia, located in South Bend.  The reason is currently unknown.  They returned to New Jersey, and in January 1931, when they were readmitted to the First Presbyterian Church in Perth Amboy, they were living at 205 Patterson Street, Perth Amboy.  The 1931 Perth Amboy City Directory lists Pete as a credit manager for Reynolds Bros Inc.

Evelyn J. Miller family Evelyn J. Miller family For some period of time, Evelyn's husband Pete had a print shop in Perth Amboy, named the Raritan Letter Shop.  The depression was a rough time, and on 5 Oct 1935 the family left New Jersey for California.  As seen on the left, they traveled by car, camping on the way, following the southern route, Route 66.

Evelyn and her family settled in Wilmar(now Rosemead), Los Angeles County.  Their 1939 address was 2912 Stevens Avenue, Wilmar.  Pete worked as an accountant.  It was here that their last child, a daughter, was born.

In the 1940 U.S. census, Evelyn Miller, 43, and Peter J. Miller, 41, were listed at the Stevens Street address.  Both had completed 8th grade, and Pete was an accountant for a drug store, earning &1,680.  They owned their home, valued at $2,500.  The children were Jack, 20, 4 years high school, a brick mason apprentice, income $320; Robert, 18, 4 years high school; Frances, 16, 2 years high school; Alfred, 14, 1 year high school; Wilfred, 10, 5th grade; and Ruth J., 3 months.

Evelyn and Pete moved many times as documented by the addresses on postcards they received.  From 2912 Stevens Ave., Wilmar (1939 - 1941) to 1236 South Garfield Avenue, Alhambra (1943); then 633 Meridian Avenue, Alhambra (1945); to 920 South Manley Drive, San Gabriel (1948); and then 1821 South Atlantic Boulevard, Alhambra (1949).

In the 1950 U.S. census, Evelyn Miller, 53, and Peter J. Miller, 51, were living at 1821 S. Atlantic Blvd., Alhambra, Los Angeles, CA.  Pete was the proprietor of his own paint store.  Still at home was Wilfred B., 20, working as a clerk in the paint store, and Ruth Jean, 10.

In 1951, Evelyn and Pete finally settled at 101 East Adams Avenue, Alhambra.  It was here that her children and grandchildren gathered each year to celebrate Christmas Eve.  She once wrote of her youngest grandchild, "8 lbs. 8½ oz. - red hair - 1st one out of 18 grandchildren."

Peter Miller, Evelyn Miller, Ruth Miller, Frances Baldwin Frances Baldwin, Leslie George Baldwin, Evelyn Miller, Ruth Miller Evelyn Miller, Leslie George Baldwin, Frances Baldwin Throughout the years, Evelyn made several trips to New Jersey to visit her parents, seen in the photographs to the right.  She and her husband Pete were active in the First Presbyterian Church of Alhambra.  She was a member of the Women's Association, and her recipe for "Punch for 50 People" appears in the Association's cookbook.  One of her and Pete's major contributions to the church was the establishment of the Jack Miller Memorial Library in the memory of their son who was killed serving in the U.S. Air Force in World War II.  She received $25.90 per month for her lifetime from the National Service Life Insurance policy on Jack following his death.

Evelyn J. Miller, Frances L. Baldwin In 1958, Evelyn and Pete retired and moved to Hesperia, San Bernardino, California, in the high desert.  Their first residence was at 18854 Vine, Hesperia.  Evelyn's mother, Frances Baldwin, also moved to Hesperia to live with them.  Pete opened a new paint store in Hesperia in 1961.  Evelyn was active in the Hesperia Federated Women's Club.  She once won a "Crazy Hats" contest for "most original design"  —  with an inverted paint bucket trimmed with paint brushes, scrapers, a cellulose mop (san handle) and topped off with red cherries.

Pete died in Hesperia on 19 Nov 1967, just short of their 49th Wedding Anniversary.  On May 13, 1968, Evelyn took her first jet flight, from Los Angeles to Sacramento, and was rewarded with a certificate signed by the pilot and stewardess commerating the event.  This trip was to visit her son Bob, who lived in Sacramento.

In December 1968, the paint store was liquidated in a major sale.  Evelyn sold their last small home at 17681 Cajon Street, Hesperia, around June 1969, and moved back to Alhambra.  Her last residence was at 2400 So. Fremont, Alhambra.

Evelyn Mae Miller, 86, passed away 27 Feb 1983 in the Lutheran Health Facility, 2021 Carlos St., Alhambra, CA.  Services were held and she was buried 2 Mar 1983 in the Parkview Lawn section of Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier.  Her son Jack lies between she and her husband.
Time of Birth}   Time of Death} 12:15 PM Fraternal/Social}  
Baptism Date}   Place}   Evelyn Mae Miller
Confirm. Date}   Photos} Evelyn in 1974
Immigr'n Date} N/A Port} N/A
Education: Grade} 8th grade             or Top 2 Degrees}  
Military: Service} None                          for the State of}  
Health Condition} Hypertension
  Cause of Death} (unreadable)
Last Updated
by} Karen Hancock
Date Updated}   6 Feb 2025
Date Created} 31 Mar 1992
Copyright © 2008 - 2018, 2023 - 2025 by Karen L. Hancock.  All Rights Reserved.

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