A PIONEER GONE HENRY DETWILLER, died 1 Dec 1900 One of the pioneer settlers of Griggs Co., Henry Detwiller, passed away at his home seven miles north of Cooperstown Friday night or Sat. morning. (Sat. was Dec. 1) Mr. Detwiller had always enjoyed exceptionally good health and hence his death was a complete surprise to all. During the day he seemed in usual spirit and vitality and retired about the usual time apparently in excellent health. About midnight Mrs. Detwiller heard him utter one groan and at once tried to arouse him to learn the cause but in vain. No other sound escaped him neither was there any movement of body. He had already expired. Assistance was immediately summoned, nothing could be done, his face wearing the quiet look of sleep. Heart failure was pronounced the cause of death. Mr. Detwiller was a native of Canada, having been born in Fullerton twp, Ont. in 1841. He there married Miss Mathilda Moore, who with five sons and one daughter survive him. He came to N.D. in 1882 and took up as a claim the present homestead. In the spring of 1886 he came back with his family and has lived in Griggs county ever since and has here by dint of toil risen from very limited to easy circumstances. The decease was brought up under Presbyterian training from childhood. At the time of his death he was a member of the Cooperstown Congregational Church with which he was identified as a prominent, active and persistent worker. His presence and influence here especially in country work, will be sadly missed and his loss most deplored by those who known him best. Quiet, unostentatious, industrious, patient, perservering, even tempered and of staunch integrity his influence was ever felt on the side he believed to be right. His death will be recognized as a real loss to the community as well as to relatives and friends. Funeral services were held in the Cong. Ch. Monday at 12:00 and were attended by a large concourse of sympathizing friends from both country and town. The sudden shock completely prostrated Mrs. Detwiller and for a time her life was dispaired of. Spasm followed spasm in rapid succession. The chance of recovery are however increasing and it is hoped that she will soon be out of danger. The Courier and friends everywhere tender the family and relatives sincerest sympathy in this hour of severe trial and great loss. |
Originally abstracted by Mrs. Archie McKain (Gertie). Ref. Source 385 |
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