Another pioneer passed to her reward Thursday Oct. 23, 1919 The sickle of death again reaped of ripened pioneer grain in Griggs Co. when, at 11:15 on morning of the 23rd inst., Mrs. Mathilda Detwiller of Tyrol Twp. succumbed to malady of the heart, from which she had long suffered. Funeral services which drew great concourse of citizens were held from the Cong. Ch., in which the deceased held membership, Sat. afternoon under the conduct of Pastor Bennette, of the M.E. church. Such services were impressive by reason of the manifested evidence of community sorrow and of tender remembrances, the latter finding expression in wealth of floral tributes of the lady who had been called from earth to the home beyond. Mrs. Detwiller (Mathilda Moore) was born in Ont. Can., Feb 26, 1852. There she married, on June 8, 1870, Henry Detwiller. Fourteen years later Mr. and Mrs. Detwiller and their children came to residence in Griggs Co., taking the farm in Tyrol Twp., which has since remained in possession of the family and which won much more than local fame as the scene of bountiful hospitalities. There Mr. Detwiller died in 1900 and there his widow lived out her remaining years. At life's ending the deceased was blessed beyond the lot of most who attain her length of years. All her living children were beside her when the end came, and were present to pay their tributes of love and grief when the mother was laid finally to her long rest. Of the seven children born to them, only one (son William) has died. John, Mary (Mrs. Robert Pratt), Alexander, Fred, Andrew and Harry all reside in Tyrol Twp. within a few miles of the old homestead. Mrs. Detwiller was, during years of her activity, identified closely and helpfully with all undertakings designed for community upbuilding and betterment. Besides her activities on behalf of her church, she was prominent and helpful member of the Order of Eastern Star of this city. Her death substracts from the community one who, despite the fact that recent illness had withdrawn her to great extent from local activities, will be deeply missed in the circles in which she was wont to move. |
Originally abstracted by Mrs. Archie McKain (Gertie). Ref. Source 385 |
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