"George Maroney Funeral Is Held". GOLDFIELD, Sept. 4 -- (Special) -- Funeral services for George Maroney, who died August 26 in Tonopah, where he had been taken to the hospital following injuries he received from a falling power pole on which he was working, were held in the Elks Hall, Sunday afternoon." Rev. Albert McMullen of Tonopah conducted the rosary services and Mrs. J.J. Noone sang "Venie Jesus" and "Ave Maria," with Mrs. Orlo Parker at the piano. Pallbearers were John Simpson, Clair Kunkel, William Symmonds, John Brawley, Albert Clark and George Meischer. Interment was in the Catholic plot. The Elks lodge, of which he was a member, conducted the gravesite rites. "Taps" were sounded and a volley fired over the grave of their departed buddy by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Survivors are his wife and three-month-old son, Thomas Lee; Mother, Mrs. Louise Maroney; a brother, Willie Maroney, all of Goldfield; two sisters, Mrs. Zora Maroney [Walker] of Pioche and Mrs. Helen McLeod of Hendersen. Also a half-sister, Mrs. Anna Czarevitch of Goldfield. A large number of out-of-town friends and many Goldfielders were able to attend. The floral offerings were profuse. Mrs. Harold McLeod of Long Beach, Calif., and son Harold of Pioche; Mr. and Mrs. William Walker from Pioche accompanied the relatives to Goldfield for the services. Coroner W.D. Howard held an inquest last Saturday in the death. The jury, George Faust, John Clark and Herb Aby, brought in a verdict of "accidental death by a power pole on which he was working falling on him." Leonard Traynor, deputy state mine inspector was present at the hearing." |
Nevada State Journal (Reno, Nevada), Sun. 5 Sep 1943, p. 14, col. 1. Ref. Source 1763 |
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