Res.1/Male/Husb} Samuels, George Washington (Geo) |
Family History} Hancock |
Res.2/Fem./Wife} Coleman, Lucy Mildred |
HH Type} Historic household
Address/Location: | |
Name(s)} | Mr. & Mrs. George W. Samuels and family |
Str./Apt.} | Blue Ridge area |
City/etc.} | Napa County, California |
Household Dates: |
Source} Exa 19 Jun 1901 |
Move-In} Cir 13 Sep 1891 |
Move-Out} Fam Fall 1905 |
Last Updated
by} Karen Hancock |
Date Updated} 28 Nov 2022
Date Created} 17 Mar 2001 |
Notes: Lucy Coleman was 18 years old when she married George Samuels in March 1883.
Using a dowry from her parents, George and Lucy homesteaded and built
a 4-room house at Blue Mountain in the Blue Ridge area of Napa County.
Their eight children were born at Blue Mountain between 1883 and 1901.
Their daughters lived in the big attic.
"Blue Ridge" is the line that runs along the top of the range of mountains
that divides Napa County from Solano County beginning at Putah
Creek (and the current Monticello Dam) and running south for several miles.
I have not yet determined the exact location of Blue Mountain and the Samuels'
house; however, I believe they were on the Napa or western side of the Blue
Ridge line, south of the Putah Creek, east of or adjacent to the Capell Valley,
and north of the Gordon Valley.
During these years, George acquired additional land
via homesteading to raise cattle. The children worked on the ranch.
In July 1892, the Napa Register reported that "G. W. Samuels of the
Blue Mountain has many improvements and intends to build this Fall.
The mountain is getting quite well settled."
On 25 Jul 1896, George registered to vote in Napa County Precinct 55.
He gave his occupation as Rancher, his residence as Blue Mountain, but his
P.O. as Vacaville. George needed to make a living; however, the land
was rocky and unfarmable. Lucy didn't want to come down off of Blue
Mountain — so George moved down to Vacaville and visited her at Blue
Mountain periodically. During the 1900 census, Lucy and the children
were living at Blue Mountain — while George lived in Vacaville. They
were both interviewed by census takers, and there are two census records.
The children were Walter R., 16, Edith M., 14, Alma C., 12, Bessie, 10, Nora, 7(8), Mildred, 5(3),
and Gerna, 11/12(2). Note that mother and father gave different ages.
Their daughter, Gerna Belle, died on 13 Nov 1900 at age 1 year and 4½ months.
In the Fall of 1905 George moved his family down from Blue Mountain to a
one-story house on North Street in the town of
Napa. Lucy and their children stayed in Napa while he worked in Vacaville.
The family, however, continued to visit their old home at Blue Mountain as
evidenced by the two photos at the right — which were taken on 7 Sep 1918. |
Total # of Residents} 10 |
Other Residents: |
Household | His Last HH} ___ | His Next HH} 49 |
Links => | Her Last HH} ___ | Her Next HH} 49 |
Copyright © 2005 by Daniel W. Hancock and 2022 by Karen L. Hancock.
All Rights Reserved. |