Male/Husband} Coleman, Samuel Louis |
Family History} Hancock |
Female/Wife} Powers, Mary |
Relationship Type} Marriage |
Marriage: Date} Exa 10 Sep 1857 |
Place} , Holmes , Ohio |
Ended: On Date} Exa 28 Jun 1902
By} Death of husband |
1st Household No.} |
Photo} None |
Last Updated
by} Karen Hancock |
Date Updated} 25 Mar 2023
Date Created} 17 Jun 1994 |
Notes: Samuel and Mary married in Ohio in 1857 and lived in Nebraska through 1865.
Four children apparently were born during those years, but only two them survived
to 1870.
In 1866 Samuel and Mary moved to California and settled their family in Wragg Canyon
in the Berryessa Valley, then part of Napa County's Yount Township.
Seven more children were born there during the next 15 years.
In 1870 Samuel's elderly father Phineas and older brother
James resided with Samuel and his family.
The 1895 Official Map of the County of Napa, a portion of which is in the
photograph at the right, shows that S. L. Coleman had a total of 467 acres in four
pieces of land straddling or near Wragg Cañon. The four pieces
were 40 acres in Section 1, 147 acres in Section 2 plus another 240 acres in
Section 2, and 40 acres in Section 35.
Mary reported in the 1900 U.S. Census that she had had a total of 11 children, nine
of whom were then still living. Only their youngest three children (i.e.,
sons) were then still residing with their parents and working as farm laborers.
Samuel and Mary's granddaughter Nora fondly remembered
Samuel often popping popcorn in their fireplace.
In 1902 when Samuel passed away at age 67, they were still residing in their home in the
lower part of the Berryessa Valley. At that time they had 28 grandchildren. |
Children: |
Total # of Children} 11 |
Seq. # of Primary} 4 |
1st Child} | Coleman, Samuel ? |
2nd Child} | Coleman, William ? |
3rd Child} | Coleman, Irene Jane |
4th Child} | Coleman, Lucy Mildred |
5th Child} | Coleman, Martha E. (Mattie) |
6th Child} | Coleman, Addie Belle |
7th Child} | Coleman, Ida May (May) |
8th Child} | Coleman, William Louis (Wellie) |
9th Child} | Coleman, Samuel Oswell |
10th Child} | Coleman, Henry Burton (Burt) |
11th Child} | Coleman, Roydon Carl (Roy) |
Copyright © 2009, 2012 by Daniel W. Hancock and 2023 by Karen L. Hancock.
All Rights Reserved. |