Res.1/Male/Husb} Williams, Rev. Matthew |
Family History} Hancock |
Res.2/Fem./Wife} Parkhill, Elizabeth |
HH Type} Historic household
Address/Location: | |
Name(s)} | Rev. Matthew Williams & Elizabeth |
Optional} | 206 acres & 58 perches in "Plumb |
Str./Apt.} | Addition" of Allegheny County |
City/etc.} | West Deer Township, Pennsylvania |
Household Dates: |
Source} |
Move-In} Exa 25 Apr 1825 |
Move-Out} |
Last Updated
by} Dan Hancock |
Date Updated} 28 Jan 2005
Date Created} 6 Mar 1999 |
Notes: This household originally consisted of 206 acres
and 58 perches of land purchased on 25 Apr 1825 by Matthew Milliams for $600.00.
Matthew also purchased Lots 37, 38, and 39 in the village of Bakerstown.
Both the land and the three lots passed upon his death on 11 Sep 1828 to his wife
Elizabeth per his will (Source 189).
The Pennsylvania Canal and the Portage Railroad, both completed in 1834, were important
to the growth of nearby Pittsburg.
Elizabeth kept the Bakerstown lots until she sold them for $110.00 on 19 Feb 1852
(Source 187). Bakerstown is in Richland Township (previously West Deer Township)
approximately 15 miles North of downtown Pittsburg, on state Highway 8.
Source 187 includes a plot map that records the division of 278 acres and
311 perches of land into five parts between between five of the sons (David, Joseph, William, Matthew, and John)
of Matthew and Elizabeth, as of 13 Dec 1848. These 278 acres probably encompass the
original 206 acres, but that is not proven. Bakertown is two to three miles to the North.
James Williams owned the land immediately to the north of the 278 acres.
On 3 Sep 1849, John B. Williams quit claimed his share (about 50 acres) to David P. Williams.
Also see the 1850 through 1880 censuses (Sources 102 to 105).
Area maps dated 1851 and 1862 (Source 191) show the location of the J., D., M., and W. Williams'
farms. They were two to 3 miles South of Bakerstown, and about 12 to 13 miles North of Pittsburg.
A land deed (Source 188) records the sale on 23 Mar 1858 of the 53 acres and 155 perches that
Joseph Williams inherited with five of his brothers from his father. In that deed, he
also sold a house lot of 6 acres and 116 perches that he bought on 3 Jan 1853. The sale
price was $2,881.00.
Elizabeth died in West Deer Township on 5 Apr 1887. |
Total # of Residents} 14 |
Other Residents: |
Household | His Last HH} ___ | His Next HH} 186 |
Links => | Her Last HH} ___ | Her Next HH} 186 |
3rd Res.} | Williams, James | ___ |
4th Res.} | , Mary | ___ |
5th Res.} | Williams, Joseph Douthill | ___ |
6th Res.} | Young, Mary Ann | ___ |
7th Res.} | Williams, David P. | 186 |
8th Res.} | McCaw, Mary Ann | 186 |
9th Res.} | Williams, Matthew | ___ |
10th Res.} | Dickey, Martha | 186 |
11th Res.} | Williams, William | 186 |
12th Res.} | McCaw, Susannah | 186 |
13th Res.} | Williams, Rev. John Black | ___ |
14th Res.} | Williams, Nancy Jane | ___ |
Copyright © 2003 - 2005 by Daniel W. Hancock. All Rights Reserved.