HENRY J. OLSON Henry J. Olson, proprietor of the Alhambra Planing Mill, is one of the pioneers of Alhambra, where he has lived for forty-seven years, during which time he as done his full share to promote the growth and development of the valley. He was born in Spring Valley, Nevada, on the 31st of January, 1889, and is a son of Hans and Mary (Stahle) Olson, the former of whom was born in Norway, and the latter in Switzerland. The father came to the United States in young manhood and in 1853 crossed the plains with a covered wagon. He followed mining in Nevada, California and Oregon, and in 1882 located in the village of Alhambra, where he engaged in the cultivation of oranges and grapes on his ranch, at the southern edge of the town. He was a member of the Masonic order; served on the school board for many years, and to a marked degree commanded the confidence of his fellowmen. He passed away at the ripe old age of ninety years, and his wife now lives with her son, Henry J. To them were born seven children, of whom Henry J., Frank T. and George A. have all become successful business mem of Alhambra. The daughters were Josephine, deceased, Ida, Lillian and Mabel. Henry J. Olson received his first educational training in a little school on Beacon street and later was a pupil in the Garfield school school which opened in 1887, it being the first school of any size in this locality. Many of the present residents of this community were pupils in this old school. There was no high school at that time, and Mr. Olson attended the Los Angeles State Normal School. He recalls vividly many of the scenes and events of those pioneer days in this locality, among which was the old swimming pool, a natural lake north of the village. Quail and other wild game were very abundant and as the boys were good shots their table never lacked for wild meat. Nearly everyone rode bicycles in those days and bicycle races were of frequent occurrence. There were but a few scattering farm houses, while in the village there were two stores and a blacksmith shop, the post office being located in a general store. Paved streets were unknown here, the village thoroughfares being but dusty country roads. After completing his schooling, Mr. Olson began his business career in the lumber trade as an employe and in 1905 embarked in business for himself at Second street and Woodbury avenue, establishing the Alhambra Planing Mill, which he has run to the present time. He has a large and well equipped plant, containing modern machinery, and has build up a prosperous business, due to his sound policy, the high quality of his products and his fair dealing. Mr. Olson married Miss Amy Noble, who was born in Ontario, Canada, and they became parents of two children: Agnes, who died at the age of eighteen years; and Donald K., who is a student in the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena. Mr. Olson is a member of Alhambra Lodge, No. 322, F. & A. M.; San Gabriel Valley Chapter, No. 100, R. A. M.; Alhambra Commandery, No. 48, K.T.; Al Malaikah Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., at Los Angeles, and the Alhambra Kiwanis Club, and he and his family are earnest members of the Presbyterian Church. He has long since proved his worth as a man and citizen and no enterprise calculated to promote the public welfare has ever lacked for his wholehearted support. He is a strong and constant booster for the San Gabriel Valley and is regarded as one of its representative citizens. |
History of Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley, California; With Personal Sketches of those Men and Women,
Past and Present, Who have builded this "Glorious Empire within an Empire". Harold D. Carew, ed.
3 Vol. The S. J. Clark Publishing Company, 1930. Olson, Henry J.", Vol. III, pp. 210 - 212. Ref. Source 2035 |
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