ELIZABETH JANE SMITH Elizabeth Jane Haley was born on her father's farm near Minneapolis, Ottawa county, Kansas, on December 27th, 1877, and died on the farm 2 miles northeast of Delphos, Kansas, March 9, 1934, aged 56 years, 2 months and 12 days. Her father was Abraham Haley, a native of England, and her mother, Marian Detwiller, a native of Canada, of Scotch-Irish parents. She graduated from District 88 in Ottawa county. She was baptized when a small child and was a member of the Delphos Methodist church for many years. On November 25, 1897, she was married to Horace T. Smith at Minneapolis, Kansas, and lived on farms for 29 years in Ottawa County and 8 years in Saline county, near Culver, Kansas. Seven children were born to this union. All were at her bedside when her work was ended. Those who survive her, are, her husband and the following children: Rupert and Lester, Mrs. Ruth Ballou, Mrs. Florence Bergsten, Mrs. Esther McKain, Mrs. Gertrude McKain, and Miss Dorothy of the home, all of Delphos, Kansas. There are eight grandchildren. Other survivors, besides the husband, children and grand-children, are three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Zuker of Minneapolis, Kansas, and Mrs. Rosa LaPlant and Mrs. Nettie Campbell of Cooperstown, North Dakota; and several cousins located in various parts of the United States and Canada. Her parents, five brothers and three sisters preceeded her in death. With the passing of Mrs. Horace Smith, the community has lost one of its best citizens and neighbors. She was a quiet and industrious home maker, who loved her home and friends. She was always a willing helper in times of sickness. She has given the world a fine family of boys and girls, who have been a credit to her and the community, and who are carrying on the work which she has left. [Poem omitted] Funeral services were held at the Delphos M.E. church Sunday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev L.R. Fish. The pallbearers were: Ernest Lynch, Leo Allison, Robert Cook, Louis Ballou, John Hurtig, and Ernest Sidener. Music was furnished by a mixed quartet, composed of Mrs. Ethel Thurston, Mrs. Maude Warren, G.F. Rollings and E.S. Chance. Mrs. Thurston also sang a solo. Mrs. Willard Casey accompanied at the piano. The body of Mrs. Smith was taken to Minneapolis for burial in the Minneapolis cemetery. |
Originally abstracted by Lyle Detwiller. Ref. Source 500 |
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